Friday, January 11, 2013

Knit On!

It's mid-January now. The holidays are over for the most part and the bulk of the gift-giving season is done for another year. There's still the odd Valentine gift being knitted, and some birthday gifts on needles probably right this very minute. However, the last push to finish that Christmas sweater, four pairs of socks and a hat for every kid in the family has finished and some of us are at loose ends, knitwise.

I, however, am still desperately trying to motivate myself through the mid-winter blues to finish that second pair of socks. I know I bang on about these damned things, but they really do feel different and fit and don't make me think I'll soon be losing a foot to loss of circulation when I wear them. So I push on. I'm really excited because tonight I'll bind off the first one and hopefully put the toe in of the second before they kick me out of my local Starbucks. That's the thing about knitting - it can be really exciting and fulfilling and creative and relaxing, with great wedges of time in between that is the most boring thing in the world!

So why do it?? I think I've written this bit before, but I do it because the end product is a pair of socks that really fit me, a gorgeous shawl that I get compliments on while staying warm, and socks my husband wears to bed to keep his feet warm. When you look at knitting pattern books and online websites where all these gorgeous projects are displayed, you think that must be an exciting project! I look at the show and tell section on New Stitch A Day's newsletter every week and I get inspired to make little sweaters and dresses and layettes for kids and beautiful lace wedding shawls. I look up the patterns and I read over them and about half-way through it hits me: this must have taken YEARS to put together!! The reality of it all is these projects had moments when their crafters thought "I could be doing ANYTHING but this." And then they thought how much joy and usefulness they would bring and they knit on.

So the moral of this little rant is that if you are flagging on a project, just remember that those socks WILL fit, that sweater WILL be warm and beautiful, and you will have MANY compliments on your shawl as you proudly wear it to work and parties and church. Even the kids will love that you knit them a sweater...especially if you accompany it with a small toy (maybe also knitted).

I hope your week is filled with warm and fibery fun...and a little boredom!


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